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ATAT Strategic Plan Adopted 2021      

Mission Statement

The Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas is dedicated to advancing agriculture education by providing member services, encouraging high standards of teaching and leadership, providing innovative professional development, and giving agriculture education a unified voice in the state governing bodies. 

Core Areas

There are four core areas that the ATAT as a professional organization will emphasize to its members and supporters:

A. Ethical Practices in Teaching and Leadership

B. Professional Development of Agriculture Teachers

C. Agriculture, FFA Program and Agriculture Education Advocacy

D.Stewardship of the Association 

  • Ethical Practices in Teaching and Leadership

    1. Offer a support system for agriculture teachers to encourage the core values as emphasized by the profession. 

    2. Allow agriculture teachers the opportunity to represent their peers in leadership roles and conduct business to better our association.

    3. Utilize a committee process to plan, develop and implement policies and procedures for continuous advancement of the association.

    4. Encourage teaching practices that develop healthy relationships to make a positive difference in the education and lives of students by offering workshops at our Professional Development Conference and articles in the Growing our Future Magazine.

  • Professional Development of Agriculture Teachers

    1. Provide innovative professional development at least  four  times per year, in addition to the association’s annual Professional Development Conference so members may continue to develop professionally as an educator. 

    2. Facilitate members in developing additional content specialization, or industry certifications, in order to offer expanded classroom opportunities. 

    3. Promote educational practices influenced by the most current agriculture methods and teaching standards. 

    4. Continue to work with the Texas FFA Association, Texas FFA Foundation, Texas Education Agency, Universities and other entities to provide continuing education to all agriculture teachers.

    5. Develop curriculum in at least 1 class per Program of Study within the next year.

    6. Provide 1 teacher talk each month  through zoom to provide development opportunities. 

    7. Grow and improve the Association's Professional Mentor Program to aid in improving agriculture teacher retention.  This may be done by increasing the offerings to support all first year teachers.

    8. Create and maintain a facility where Professional Development can occur.

  • Agriculture, FFA Program and Agriculture Education Advocacy

  1. Continue to work with the Texas FFA Association, Texas FFA Foundation, Texas Education Agency, Universities and other entities to advocate for agriculture education. 

  2. Provide information to advisors to support their efforts in  advocating for local programs, agriculture teachers, and their students.

  3. Provide information on the importance of solid relationships with school administration, other local school officials and supporters, such as local advisory boards and support groups.

  4. Create and use social media content so teachers can continue to advocate for agriculture on the state, local and community level.

  5. Promote and serve as an ambassador of agricultural education to decision makers at the state and local levels, while keeping members abreast of upcoming changes in education laws, curriculum, certifications, etc. 

  6. Advocate for students to enter the agricultural education profession by offering  scholarships for agricultural education majors, stipends for student teachers and ceremonies to promote students entering agricultural education.

  7. Develop an agricultural education showcase within a new agricultural leadership building.

  • Stewardship of the Association

    1. Be good stewards of the association’s assets.

    2. Continue developing a yearly budget by the association’s finance committee that reflects day-to-day activities of the association.

    3. Maintain a cash reserve or fund balance to ensure the stability of the association.

    4. Develop sponsorships and relationships mutually beneficial to agriculture education.

    5. Strive to maintain relevant membership benefits that positively impact members.  

    6. Maintain a competitive salary and benefit structure to maximize employee productivity and longevity.

    7. Allow for office staff professional development to improve staff efficiency.

  Corporate Sponsors
  Texas Farm Bureau  

  Download Our Strategic Plan
2019 Strategic Plan

  Association Sponsors
  The John A. Barclay Agency, Inc.  

614 East 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 472-3128
Fax: (512) 472-0555
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