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  Major Livestock Show Advisory Committee  
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The purpose of the Major Livestock Show Advisory Committee is to ensure that agriculture teachers of Texas have input with the major livestock shows as to recommendations and judges for upcoming shows. The committee will serve as a branch of the Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas and under the pleasure of the Association's Board of Directors. The committee will work in conjunction with the county agriculture extension agents’ Animal Industries Committee.

Committee Make-Up      

The Major Livestock Show Advisory Committee shall have fourteen voting members, to include one member from each area for animal events, one representative from agricultural mechanics, and one representative from the competitive events committee. The Executive Director of VATAT and the FFA SAE Coordinator may attend any meeting, but will have no vote and serve to provide administrative oversight. 

Leadership of the Committee

The committee will be led by a Vice-Chairman, Chairman, and Past Chairman. Each will be elected by the MLSAC voting members and will serve two-year terms. The Chairman will have no voting privileges, unless his or her vote will change the outcome of an issue, but the Vice-Chairman and Past Chairman will, if they are the voting representative from their Area. The Chairman is to conduct any meetings in an impartial manner according to parliamentary law. None of the three officers will be able to be a species chair. There will be a recording secretary elected from the voting membership to a two-year term, and only be able to serve two terms. This person may retain voting privileges if they are the voting member from their Area and don’t have to rotate off the MLSAC committee at the end of the second term. The recording secretary will be responsible for taking accurate minutes of the meetings. Any current member of the MLSAC who has served four years as vicechair and chair under the former rules will not be eligible to be elected to serve as Chairman, Vice Chairman, or Past Chairman. Any current member of MLSAC who has served four years as Recording Secretary will be ineligible to stand for re-election after their current term ends. Species chairs and vice-chairs will be elected by the voting members of the committee at the meeting at VATAT Conference. These chairs and vice-chairs will be selected for sheep, goats, steers, heifers, swine, and poultry. Each chair and vice-chair will be elected for a two year term. After two years as vice-chair, that person will rotate into the chairman’s role, making for a four-year term of service. A person cannot serve as more than one chair or vice-chair, but may be elected for a multiple four year cycles. Chairs and co-chairs retain their voting privileges, and may be replaced by the MLSAC committee if they go off the MLSAC committee. 

Committee Meetings      
The committee will regularly meet three times each year. The committee will meet at teachers conference to establish the committee for the year and to elect species chairs. The committee will also make recommendations for classifiers for the shows during the coming school year. At the fall meeting, the committee will make judge recommendations to the shows and make recommendations for possible changes at the State Fair of Texas. At the spring meeting, the committee will make recommendations for changes to the shows that have taken place after the State Fair. The fall and spring meetings will be in conjunction with the county agent Major Livestock Show Advisory Committee meeting. Extra meetings could occur if the chairman feels they are in the best interest of the committee or the Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas.

Committee Responsibilites      
Committee members will make contact with the teachers in their respective area to get input dealing with the major livestock shows in the state. They will come to the fall meeting with recommended judges for all species at all major livestock shows. They will also have recommendations for the State Fair at that meeting. The members will come to the spring meeting with recommendations for each of the major livestock shows held after the State Fair. The committee will also maintain a list of classifiers of VATAT members, active, honorary and associate, to recommend to the shows for each species. Working with the county agents committee, the committee will help maintain an accurate judges list for all species of livestock and other show areas.

Species Chairs      
The purpose of the species chairs is to ensure there is someone at each of the Major Livestock Show Advisory Committee meetings that represent all species of livestock that is shown at each of the major livestock shows. The species chairs, along with the officers of the committee, will meet with the county agents’ group to help compile a consolidated list of any document that is to be sent to the shows. This will be done at both the fall and spring meetings. The officers and the species chairs will also meet with the representatives of the different shows when the recommendations are presented. The species chairs and the officers are to represent the wishes of the entire committee when meeting with the county agents committee. If a species chair has to deviate from the wishes of the Major Livestock Show Advisory Committee, they must check with the committee chair. In the event that a species chair can not attend any of these meetings and it is determined that they are needed, a representative from the committee will be appointed for that meeting as a replacement. The species chairs will be elected each year at the Major Livestock Show Advisory Committee meeting at teacher’s conference from the committee membership. In the event that no elected member on the committee has expertise in a particular area, an active teacher can be selected from the general membership. A species chair has no additional authority on the committee than any other member. The species chair must have participated in most of the previous year’s livestock shows in that area. A species chair cannot serve in that capacity for more than three years. The areas of representation will be as follows: Steers, Heifers, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Poultry Competitive Events and Ag Mechanics. There can be additional areas if the Agriculture Teachers Association of Texas Board feels they are needed. Species chairs that are not elected members of the committee will not attend the meeting at conference.

Agriculture Mechanics      
Each area will elect an Agriculture Mechanics representative at conference. That person should participate in Agriculture mechanics contest at the Major Livestock show. That person can be elected each year. The chair will be the representative elected form the area that corresponds with the year of that conference.

Competitive Events      
Each area will elect an Competitive Events representative at conference. That person should participate in competitive events at the Major Livestock show. That person can be elected each year. The chair will be the representative elected form the area that corresponds with the year of that conference.

  Corporate Sponsors
  Mission Matters  

  Association Sponsors
  State Fair of Texas  

614 East 12th Street
Austin, TX 78701
Phone: (512) 472-3128
Fax: (512) 472-0555
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